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Tuesday, 11 September 2012 01:29

Interpretasi Foto Panoramik

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detail panoramik by GigiGeligi.Com
Anatomi Tulang :
1. Tulang nasal
2. Rongga hidung
3. Inferior concha
4. Anterior Nasal Spine
5. Infra-orbital rim
6. Infra-orbital canal
7. Lantai dasar hidung / palatum keras
8. Zygomatic buttress
9. Lengkung Zygomatic
10. Pterygo-maxillary fissure
11. Lateral pterygoid plate
12. Articular eminence
13. External auditory meatus
14. Processus (tonjolan) styloid
15. Kondil mandibula
16. Sigmoid notch
17. Cervical vertebrae
18. Foramen transversarium
19. External oblique ridge
20. Internal oblique ridge
21. Foramen Mandibula
22. Inferior alveolar canal
23. Foramen mentale
24. Bony cortex of inferior border of mandible
25. Antegonial notch
26. Hyoid bone
27. Processus (tonjolan) coronoid Anatomi jaringan lunak dan bayangan udara
A. Gambaran adenoid
B. Gambaran palatum lunak
C. Gambaran lubang telinga (ear lobe)
D. Udara pada nasofaring
E. Gambaran dorsum lidah
F. Gambaran epiglotis
G. Gambaran dinding anterior faring
H. Gambaran dinding posterior faring
I. Udara pada rongga hidung
Referensi : Chestnutt, Ivory G. dan John Gibson. 2007. Clinical Dentistry 3rd edition. London : Churchill Livingstone.
Read 18404 times Last modified on Saturday, 18 July 2015 08:23

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